Fall 2023

Showing 1–16 of 54 results

  • Adhyasa bhasya of Adi Sankara

    Adhyasa bhasya of Adi Sankara


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    Adhyasa bhasya of Adi Sankara


    TAT4000 – (C.P.H.S – Core Course) This course will unfold the adhyasa bhasya, considered perhaps to be the magnum opus of Adi Sankara. This text finds its place as the introduction to Sankara’s exhaustive commentary of the brahma sutras, known also by different names such as Vyasa sutras, bhiksu sutras or saririka sutras.

    Adhyasa means superimposition, which causes the appearance of a thing on a locus other than its own. This is the main source of bondage due to the ignorance of the Self and subsequently taking the non-Self to be the Self. Sankara outlines adroitly the different intricacies of Adhyasa for the very purpose of removing it through knowledge and realize the oneness of the jiva and Brahman.

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  • Advanced Sanskrit - prefixes

    Advanced Sanskrit – III


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    Advanced Sanskrit – III


    SAN0303 – In the third quarter of the Advanced Phase of the Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency (SAN0303), students will delve into laukika nyāyāḥ (maxims and analogies), exploring them through engaging short stories. They will acquire a deeper understanding of these concepts while also studying the cardinal and ordinal numbers in all three genders and their declensions. In addition, they will be introduced to the 22 prefixes to verbs and how these prefixes impact the meanings of the verbs. Furthermore, students will hone their skills in composing formal invitations, building upon their previous practice of patralekhanam (letter writing). This quarter is dedicated to applying the knowledge gained thus far in practical ways.

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  • Ahimsa and The Art of Nonviolent Communication

    Ahimsa and the Art of Nonviolent Communication


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    Ahimsa and the Art of Nonviolent Communication


    YOG2101 – The course is designed to introduce participants to the Gandhian approach to nonviolent communication and its significance as a 21st century skill to be nurtured for a culture of peace. In the backdrop of instances of aggressive or toxic communication, integrating strategies of nonviolent(Ahimsa) communication not only can help us to find inner peace, but also promote a healthy communication ecosystem whether in our families, institutions or the society at large.

    It helps in building better connections by enrichment of personhood. The overarching goal of the course is to develop an expansive understanding of nonviolent communication and its applications in our daily lives.

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  • Autobiography of a Yogi

    An Immersive exploration of the iconic “Autobiography of a Yogi”


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    An Immersive exploration of the iconic “Autobiography of a Yogi”


    YOG2100 – (C.P.H.S – Elective Course) Of all the books that spread Hindu dharma beyond India, none has had as much impact as Paramahansa Yogananda’s iconic memoir, Autobiography of a Yogi.

    Hindu University of America is offering this special course to commemorate the 75th anniversary of that book, which has charmed millions of readers with its depiction of a singular life, along with other compelling features such as: intimate glimpses of Indian culture in the early 20th century; vivid encounters with saints, gurus, and legends (e.g., Tagore and Gandhi); lucid explanations of Hindu precepts and yogic practices; and mind-opening miracles, wonders, and powers of mind explained in rational and scientific terms.

    The course is suitable for both those who have not yet read the seminal text and those wish to revisit it with fresh eyes.

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  • Applied Vedic Science - Basic (Ayurveda)

    Applied Vedic Science – Basic (Ayurveda)


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    Applied Vedic Science – Basic (Ayurveda)


    (SAN7105) – The wellbeing of the individual and society in the Vedic vision of the universe included both material and spiritual wellbeing. The Vedic vision did not exclude any group or peoples, unlike most ideologies which seek advantage for one group of people at the expense of others, but sought to provide such knowledge that could protect, enhance, empower and enrich life for all peoples who pursued these knowledge systems.

    The theory and practice of Āyurveda are one of the vital applied sciences derived from the Vedic vision. This course is the first of a two-part course series that provides the familiarity of the knowledge system of Āyurveda, by exploring its background and key contributors to the different schools of Āyurveda.


    1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit

    2)Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses. 

    3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit.

    4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course if applicable

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  • Applied Vedic Science - Basic (Jyotish)

    Applied Vedic Science – Basic (Jyotish)


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    Applied Vedic Science – Basic (Jyotish)


    (SAN7107) – The Vedic knowledge systems of the Hindu traditions were supported by auxiliary systems called Vedāṅgas in understanding the form, structure, and methods related to the Vedas. Jyotiṣa (loosely translated as astrology/astronomy), described as the eyes of the Vedas,  uses mathematical calculations as tools for comprehending the planetary positions and interpreting their implications.

    This long tradition comprises of various contributors who developed both astrology and mathematics in the process. This course is the first of a two-part course series on Jyotiṣa.


    1) The medium of Instruction is Sanskrit

    2) Only currently enrolled Sanskrit master’s certificate students can register for these courses. 

    3) Admission into Master Program in Sanskrit.

    4) Completed previous MA Sanskrit Course if applicable

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  • Becoming an Ayurvedic Health Counselor


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    Becoming an Ayurvedic Health Counselor


    AIH1100 – This course will elaborate how to become an Ayurvedic Health Counselor (AHC). Participants will understand what principles & practices they will learn during the Ayurvedic Health Counselor Program. It will inspire you to become an Ayurvedic Health Counselor to help yourself, your loved ones and your counseling clients. It will also serve as an introduction to the Certificate Program in Ayurvedic Health Counseling that is going to be launched in the subsequent quarter.

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  • Beginning Sanskrit

    Beginning Sanskrit – I


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    Beginning Sanskrit – I


    The First Quarter of the Beginner Phase of the Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency (SAN0101), develops students without any prior knowledge of Saṃskṛtam, in the skills of listening, reading, and writing Saṃskṛtam in Devanāgarī script. At the end of this course, students will develop the ability to pronounce and write single, combination and conjunct Devanāgarī letters, build basic vocabulary, and recite a few simple Saṃskṛtam verses with the correct pronunciation.

    This course assumes no prior knowledge of Saṃskṛtam script or language. The medium of instruction is English, and the course is easily accessible to a global audience.

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  • Beginning Sanskrit

    Beginning Sanskrit – IV


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    Beginning Sanskrit – IV


    The fourth quarter of the Beginner Phase of the Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency (SAN0104) signifies the culmination of this phase. By the end of this course, students will have attained mastery in reading and writing in the Devanāgarī script, and will begin to develop an appreciation for the beauty of the language.

    They will be able to understand and interpret short stories and songs, exploring their meanings in English, and learning the meanings of the subhāśitāni in Saṃskṛtam. Completion of this course marks the conclusion of the Beginner Phase in the Certificate Program in Saṃskṛtam Proficiency, allowing students to progress to the Intermediate Phase.

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  • BODHAK - The Gita Vidya Teacher Training

    BODHAK – The Gita Vidya Teacher Training


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    BODHAK – The Gita Vidya Teacher Training


    HSF1304 – (C.P.H.S – Elective Course) “BODHAK – The Gita Vidya Teacher Training” is the last part of a four-part sequence of program titled Gita Vidya Teacher Certificate. This course offers practical training to develop necessary competence for conducting GitaVidya courses to real students. Participants shall in small groups teach GitaVidya lessons under the guidance of the author. Following this, participants shall discuss their experience with the author for feedback and guidance. In addition, participants get 20 hours of actual field experience where they conduct Gita Vidya course to real students in academic institutions, spiritual organizations or community groups etc. After successful completion of this course participants shall receive the title of “Gita Vidya Bodhak”.

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  • Certificate in Hindu Civilizational Studies

    Certificate in Hindu Civilizational Studies


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    Certificate in Hindu Civilizational Studies


    Certificate in Hindu Civilizational Studies is spread across 8 quarters and hence the minimum duration for this program is 2 calendar years. However, since it is cyclical, students can join during any quarter and complete the courses in a circle. Program Certificate will be awarded only after all the 8 courses are completed. However, at the end of each course, students will have the option of downloading their respective course completion certificate for that quarter.

    Each course spans 10 online, live sessions with the faculty for about 100 minutes each. These sessions will typically be held on Weekends at time slots suitable for USA and India – 1 per week spanning 10 weekends or 2 per week spanning 5 weekends.

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  • Certificate Program in Bhagavad Geeta

    Certificate program in Bhagavad Geeta through Sanskrit – Intermediate Phase


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    Certificate program in Bhagavad Geeta through Sanskrit – Intermediate Phase


    Certificate Program in Bhagavad Geeta through Sanskrit – Intermediate Phase is structured in the form of 4 quarters (1 year) sequence, 1.5 Credit hours each. This will add up to 60 hours of instruction and 120 hours of self-study in total.

    The courses included are –

    1) SAN1021 – Learn Bhagavad Geeta (Ch. 3) and Intermediate Samskritam

    2) SAN1022 – Learn Bhagavad Geeta (Ch. 3) and Intermediate Samskritam

    3) SAN1023 – Learn Bhagavad Geeta (Ch. 4) and Intermediate Samskritam

    4) SAN1024 – Learn Bhagavad Geeta (Ch. 4) and Intermediate Samskritam

    The course fee includes the cost of the 2 textbooks, and shipping & handling costs of the textbooks. The fee for all 4 quarters if paid together is $900 in contrast to $1200 if paid quarter by quarter. The books included- “GeetA-SopAnam” (Part 2) and “GeetA-praveshaH” (Part 2- Volume 1),”

    The students residing in US must choose USA student option only. Currently, we cannot ship books to NonUSA students.

    Click here to check if you are eligible for a scholarship

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  • Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency

    Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency – Advanced Phase -1


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    Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency – Advanced Phase -1


    Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency- Advanced Phase -1 is structured in the form of 4 quarters (1 year) sequence, 1.5 Credit hours each. This will add up to 60 hours of instruction and 120 hours of self-study in total.

    The courses included are –

    1) SAN0301 – Sanskrit Proficiency – Tenses, Moods, & Cases

    2) SAN0302 – Sanskrit Proficiency – Cases, Moods, & Suffixes

    3) SAN0303 – Sanskrit Proficiency – Expressions, Prefixes, & Cases

    4) SAN0304 – Sanskrit Proficiency – Grammatical Structures & Verses

    The advance phase – 1 fee includes the cost of the 4 textbooks, SUBHAASHAA, KAALABODHINEE, VIBHAKTI-VALLAREE, KUSUMAM and shipping & handling.

    The tuition fee for all 4 quarters if paid together is $900 in contrast to $1200 if paid quarter by quarter (25% off of the complete fee) plus cost of the books including shipping and handling.

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  • Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency - Beginner Phase

    Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency – Beginner Phase


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    Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency – Beginner Phase


    Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency – Beginner Phase is structured in the form of 4 quarters (1 year) sequence, 1.5 Credit hours each. This will add up to 60 hours of instruction and 120 hours of self-study in total.

    The courses included are –

    1) SAN0101Beginning Sanskrit – Script & Sounds 

    2) SAN0102Beginning Sanskrit – Words & Vocabulary

    3) SAN0103Beginning Sanskrit – Sentences & Comprehension

    4) SAN0104Beginning Sanskrit – Proverbs & Stories

    The course fee includes the cost of the 6 textbooks, and shipping & handling costs of the textbooks. The fee for all 4 quarters if paid together is $900 in contrast to $1200 if paid quarter by quarter.

    The books included- Ayanam, Udayah, Arunah, Sarini, Prapadya, Supada

    The students residing in US must choose USA student option only.

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  • Certificate program in Shuddh Hindi

    Certificate program in Shuddh Hindi – Intermediate Phase


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    Certificate program in Shuddh Hindi – Intermediate Phase


    Certificate Program in Certificate Program in Shuddh Hindi  – Intermediate Phase is structured in the form of 4 quarters (1 year) sequence, 1.5 Credit hours each. This will add up to 60 hours of instruction and 120 hours of self-study in total.

    At the end of the 4th quarter, students may enter the advanced phase, which has 8 quarters i.e., 88 weeks.

    The courses included are –

    1) HIN0201 – Intermediate Shuddh Hindi – Simple Poems & Letter-writing

    2)HIN0202- Intermediate Shuddh Hindi – Adverbs, Infinitives, & Conjunctions

    3)HIN0203 – Intermediate Shuddh Hindi – Poems, Stories, & Compositions

    4)HIN0204 – Intermediate Shuddh Hindi – Conversations and Stories

    The students can buy the book directly from the amazon for course 1 and2, for course 3 and 4, the books can be bought here.

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  • Chakra Healing

    Chakra Healing


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    Chakra Healing


    YOG2201  – This is a unique course that explores the significance of Yoga Chakras and its relationship to our body, its endocrine organs and nerve plexus. In this course, students will discover the fascinating relationship of our body to the various Chakra imbalances that our Sages and Maharishis have been revealing over the ages. Today, we have physiological (sthula) correlations for all the Sukshma Chakras.

    Starting from the root Chakra at Muladhara to the highest Chakra at Sahasrara, students will learn asanas, pranayamas, mudras and mantras for balancing each Chakra along with in-depth explanations. Students will become familiar with complex yogic terms like kundalini, sushumna and samadhi. The course will show how these terms are even more significant now in the era of chronic conditions including Cancers, Diabetes and Covid infections.

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