HUA is guided in all its educational programs and activities by the following core values:
1. Community
HUA is born out of the special needs of the American Hindu community. Growing out of diverse community initiatives in education, HUA recognizes its bond with any debt to this community. It is committed to meeting its educational needs, especially preserving and transmitting its traditional worldview, values, and culture to succeeding generations.
2. Stewardship
HUA is committed to the Hindu vision of a just, well-ordered society as the foundation for sustainable growth and social harmony. By encouraging a life of higher values and spiritual development, it contributes to redressing contemporary conflicts including the ecological crisis.
3. Diversity
HUA strives to create a diverse community where different voices, personal experiences, and perspectives can be expressed in an atmosphere of mutual respect. HUA aims to create a protected space for freedom of expression and thought, and non-partisan discourse and therefore it is foundationally non-sectarian and non-denominational in its outlook.
4. Respect for Indigenous Communities
HUA respects the many different traditions and viewpoints that make up the fabric of Hinduism. We recognize the value of all indigenous communities and their inalienable right to preserve and articulate their way of life. HUA seeks to teach and explain the Hindu worldview in partnership and dialogue with these communities.
5. Value Proposition
Rising costs increasingly restrict access to higher education. HUA is, therefore, committed to delivering a high-quality education at affordable tuition rates by embracing advanced classroom technologies.
6. Non-Discrimination
HUA does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, disability, social status and/or income level, political views or military service.
7. Transparency & Accountability
HUA is committed to transparency, and accountability in all its activities, whether with business partners, faculty and employees, students, or donors and the Hindu community. This means making information readily available and following transparent and fair rules in its operations.