Master of Arts in Sanskrit

The Master of Arts in Sanskrit Program features an immersive study of the Sanskrit language in the Sanskrit medium. It starts from basic Sanskrit proficiency and takes the students deep into the world of mastery of Sanskrit.

The program enables the student in transitioning from being a Sanskrit enthusiast to a genuine scholar who can access and engage rigorously with the varied knowledge-systems rooted in Hindu thought, including the literary, spiritual, and scientific literature embedded in the Sanskrit language.

Underscoring the importance of Sanskrit for the study of the source texts of the Vedas, Vedānta, Yoga, Āyurveda, and Śāstras in general, the Master of Arts in Sanskrit Program focuses on practice-oriented study, providing direct, unmediated access to these source-texts without having to rely on translations.

The program also prepares the students to explore ancient and classical texts such as the Vedas, Upaniṣads, Rāmāyaṇa, Mahābhārata, Purāṇas and the Prasthāna Traya with a commitment and concern for the wellbeing and future of humanity.

Master of Arts in Sanskrit

Course Content:

The Master of Arts in Sanskrit is offered by Hindu University of America in partnership with the Institute of Indic Knowledge Studies (IIKS), established and run by Maharashtra Academy of Engineering and Educational Research (MAEER), and recognized by Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Maharashtra, India.

Students may complete the Master of Arts in Sanskrit by earning 48 quarter credit hours, i.e., by completing 16 x 3 – credit hour courses.
Out of these 16 courses, 11 are mandatory core courses and the remaining 5 are electives.

Eligible candidates must have completed a Bachelor’s Degree and must demonstrate adequate proficiency in Sanskrit by successfully completing the Sanskrit Proficiency Test (SPT).

Master of Arts in Sanskrit
Vyakarana, Applied Vedic Science, Spoken Samskritam

Applied Vedic Science – Advanced (Vedanta)

(SAN8110) - The schools of philosophy based on the last portions of the Vedas, i.e. Vedānta, not only vary in ...
Introduction to Upanishads

Applied Vedic Science – Vedanta (Basic)

(SAN8109) - The Vedic body of knowledge provides scope for different interpretations even when connected with the same objectives. Particularly, ...
Applied Vedic Science - Basic (Ayurveda)

Applied Vedic Science – Basic (Ayurveda)

(SAN7105) - The wellbeing of the individual and society in the Vedic vision of the universe included both material and ...
Applied Vedic Science - Basic (Jyotish)

Applied Vedic Science – Basic (Jyotish)

(SAN7107) - The Vedic knowledge systems of the Hindu traditions were supported by auxiliary systems called Vedāṅgas in understanding the ...
Applied Vedic Science - Advanced Ayurveda

Applied Vedic Science – Advanced (Ayurveda)

(SAN8108) - This course provides an in-depth appreciation of the science and practice of Āyurveda, through a study of one ...
Applied Vedic Science - Advanced Jyotish

Applied Vedic Science – Advanced (Jyotisha)

(SAN8107) - Jyotiṣa (loosely translated as astrology/astronomy), described as the eyes of the Vedas, uses mathematical calculations as tools for ...
Applied Vedic Science | Advanced Yoga, Yoga Studies

Applied Vedic Science – Advanced (Yoga)

(SAN8105) - The wellbeing of the individual and society in the Vedic vision of the universe included both material and ...
Introduction to Vedas

Sahitya – IV

(SAN8103) - This course explores the features of prose and campū literature in Sanskrit and provides an illustration of each ...

Sahitya – III

(SAN7103) - In the Hindu literary tradition, literary compositions inculcate awareness and sensibility of Dharma in the minds of both ...
Sahitya, Micro Certificate in Spoken Samskritam

Sahitya – Padya

(SAN6103) - In the Hindu literary tradition, literary compositions inculcate awareness and sensibility of Dharma in the minds of both ...
Sahitya Landscape

Sahitya Landscape

(SAN5103) - In the Hindu literary tradition, literary compositions inculcate awareness and sensibility of Dharma in the minds of both ...
Bhagavad-Gita for the Beginner - Sodhana, Gnana

Vyakarana – IV

(SAN8102) - Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī is a monumental work in the sūtra format (short aphorisms) that establishes the grammar for classical ...

Vyakarana – III

(SAN7102) - Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī is a monumental work in the sūtra format (short aphorisms) that establishes the grammar for classical ...
Vyakarana, Applied Vedic Science, Spoken Samskritam

Vyakarana – II

(SAN6102) - The course involves the study of sections of the Laghu-siddhānta-kaumudī pertaining to the technical terms, rules of interpretation ...

Vyakarana – I

(SAN5102) - Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī is a monumental work in the sūtra format (short aphorisms) that establishes the grammar for classical ...
The Vedas

The Vedas (Atharva)

(SAN8104) - Vedic texts constitute the foundation of the worldview and way of life that informs Hindu life and culture ...
The Vedas | Yajus-Sama

The Vedas (Yajus-Sama)

(SAN7104) - Vedic texts constitute the foundation of the worldview and way of life that informs Hindu life and culture ...
Applied Vedic Sciences. holistic yoga

Applied Vedic Sciences Basic (Yoga)

(SAN6105) - This course introduces the categories of Yoga with their respective definitions, based on the Yogasūtras of Patañjali along ...
Mimamsa Advanced - Hindu University of America

Mimamsa Advanced

(SAN8106) - Epistemology is an important subject of study across several śāstras in the Indic knowledge tradition, in both Vedic ...
Nyaya-vaisesika, Understanding Hinduphobia, Hinduism,

Nyaya-vaisesika Advanced

(SAN7101) - The key features of the Navya-nyāya system of thought as it evolved in time to become the main ...
The Vedas

The Vedas (Rgveda)

(SAN6104) - The course provides an overview of the features, structure, and contents of the Ṛgveda as well as provides ...
Term project

Term Project – Sanskrit Studies

(SAN8101) - At the end of 36 Credit-hours of course work, students will have an adequate introduction to the subjects ...
The Yoga of Bhagavad Gita, Mimamsa Basic

Mimamsa Basic

(SAN7106) - In the Hindu knowledge traditions, the science of interpreting various Vedic injunctions and aphorisms, and methods of reconciling ...
Nyaya Vaisesika Basic, sanskrit studies, Sanskrit language

Nyaya-Vaisesika Basic

(SAN6101) - Two distinct systems of classification of world phenomena, i.e. ontologies have emerged from the Vedic thought called Nyaya ...
Ayurveda, Vedic Science Foundations, Ayurveda The Wisdom of Wellbeing

Vedic Science Foundations

(SAN5101) - India has its own highly systematized method of scientific discourse that is followed in all scientific texts, called ...
Introduction to Vedas

Introduction to Vedas

(SAN5104) - Vedic texts constitute the foundation of the worldview and way of life that informs Hindu life and culture ...
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