This course is part of the following programs:
In this course students will be able to:
The course explores the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita under 3 dimensions of human life. In today’s world we often see things with super specialized knowledge and have a fragmented view of the human life. Multiple streams of science and technology, diverse views of history and culture further divide our understanding of life. This course presents life in big picture with holistic view of body, mind and soul using key versus of Bhagavad Gita.
DEHA module presents the Material and Psychic aspects of the human body in 6 lessons based on Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. It highlights the principles of Sound Body; for attaining comprehensive wellness. First three lessons describe the elements of nature followed by the characteristics of the human body and mind. Next three lessons describe the sensory objects followed by the ways of controlling the senses and the consequences of sense gratification.
In this module the participants shall learn the following. The basis of human existence on earth. The three kinds of food and their influence on the human body. The three main characteristics of the human mind. The two broad ways of conducting life in the material world. The characteristics of a balanced consciousness. The cause and effect of mental stress.
GNANA module presents the Physical, Social, Occupational, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual dimensions of the eternal wisdom from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. It highlights the principles of Sound Mind for attaining comprehensive wellness. First three dimensions describe the aspects of human endeavor in the material world. Next three dimensions describe the aspects of human evolution in the psychic world.
In this module the participants shall learn the following. The three types of actions and the fruits of such actions. The four-fold social order on the basis of human character and action. The three types of people based on their actions and determination. Austerities of mind and the three types of minds. Factors of emotional equilibrium. The four forms of worship and three kinds of worshippers.
YOGA module presents the basis of the Atma and the four paths of spiritual practice as prescribed in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. It highlights the principles of Pure Soul for attaining comprehensive wellness. Union with self is Yoga and the four paths of Yoga are Karma, Gnana, Dhyana and Bhakti. Karma yoga describes the path of action, Gnana yoga describes the path of knowledge, Dhyana yoga describes the path of meditation and Bhakti yoga describes the path of devotion in the pursuit of union with divine. In this module the participants shall learn the following. The doctrine of rebirth and reincarnation. The law of Karma and its five factors. The principle of Gnana and its components. The process of Dhyana and its essentials. The practice of Bhakti and its methods.
The class is structured in a way that promotes discussion and debate based on self-study and reflection each week. After the weekly class the students will be required to submit audio recordings of verses.
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