Graduate Division
In this course, the student
As a result of taking the course, the students will be able to
Much more than the economic exploitation of the colonized, the colonization process hovers around destroying their cultural fabric. This necessarily involves the production of literature on the colonized and the creation of institutions through which the understanding of the colonized within and without their culture is significantly altered.
There have been influential writers during the colonial period who understood the impulse of power and domination behind the production of literature on the colonized “other,” and there have been others in the postcolonial period who have analyzed the psychological and sociological effects of colonization.
Through the literature of writers such as Aime Cessaire, Albert Memmi, and Franz Fanon, who are known as Francophone postcolonial thinkers, this course will give the students the theoretical tools and methodological framework to understand and investigate the impact of colonialism on the psyche and culture of the Hindu people. To elucidate how the Francophone postcolonial framework can be applied within the Indian context, we will use the writings of Pavan Varma.
The class will meet every week on Saturdays from 11 AM to 2 PM PST/ 2 PM to 5 PM EST from [dates]. Every week there will be assigned readings which the students are required to study and come prepared to the class to hold discussions with the instructor and with one another in a self-reflective and engaging manner. The readings will not take more than six hours of study and reflection, though the student is free to devote more than six hours if he or she feels inspired to engage in additional research and reflection.
Students will be required to write a mid-semester paper and a final-term paper. The mid-semester paper should be 4-5 pages long, describing key learnings in the course. In the final week of the class, the student is required to submit a final 15–20-page research paper (minus bibliography) on a topic which agrees with the theme of the course. Both the papers should be double spaced and written in Times New Roman.
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