Dr. Kuldip Dhiman has Master’s Degrees in English, Philosophy, Sanskrit, and Graphic Design. He earned his doctorate in philosophy from Punjab University. His schooling was done at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Hebbal, Bangalore. He also did a course in journalism from Writer’s Bureau, UK.
His published books are: The Yogavasishtha of Valmiki (the seminal text on Vedanta), The Ultimate Iconoclast (on the philosophy of Rajneesh Osho), Emotion – The Essence of Life (Evolutionary psychology), The Yogasutram (translation from Sanskrit to English with the Vyasa Bhashya). Currently making YouTube videos on the Yogasutram in English and Hindi. He has been teaching Sanskrit through the Bhagavad gita for the past three years at Punjab University. This has proved to be a very effective indirect method of teaching Sanskrit. He also teaches the Yogasutram online.
Dr. Kuldip Dhiman has also investigated over a dozen cases of reincarnation. His studies on reincarnation have been published in India and abroad. He is now well known for reincarnation research all over the world. His other interests are music, photography, and cinematography.