In the fourth and final quarter of the Proficiency Phase of the Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency (SAN0404), students will delve deeper into the study of the samāsas and explore the exceptions and special characteristics of each samāsa that sets it apart from the others. Additionally, students will collaborate to create and perform Saṃskṛtam skits during the course. They will also engage in debates in Saṃskṛtam on various topics provided. By the end of this phase, students will be fully equipped with a solid understanding of Saṃskṛtam grammar and will be able to comprehend and communicate effectively in Saṃskṛtam. This is the final course in the program, and upon its completion, students will have achieved proficiency in Saṃskṛtam.
Parvathi Sriram is a Physical Therapist by profession and practiced in India prior to moving to Houston. Her area of interests are Sanskrit and Vedanta. She is currently teaching Sanskrit for Arsha Vidya Bhaarati students. She has also been teaching at Balavihar, Chinamya Mission Houston since 2015. Parvathi has been studying Vedanta at Chinmaya Mission Houston since 2014. She also continues her Sanskrit learning at AVB and through Samskrita Bharati.