In the third quarter of the Proficiency Phase of the Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency (SAN0403), the students will learn the samāsas (compounds). They will explore the vigrahavākyas (the expounding of a samāsas) which are the expression of the relations existing between the objects/ideas denoted by the various parts of a samāsa through subordinate sentences. Students will examine the characteristics of the four principal classes of compounds and the general rules that are applicable to them. By the end of the course, the students will be able to identify and classify the samāsas in Saṃskṛtam texts and verses.
Parvathi Sriram is a Physical Therapist by profession and practiced in India prior to moving to Houston. Her area of interests are Sanskrit and Vedanta. She is currently teaching Sanskrit for Arsha Vidya Bhaarati students. She has also been teaching at Balavihar, Chinamya Mission Houston since 2015. Parvathi has been studying Vedanta at Chinmaya Mission Houston since 2014. She also continues her Sanskrit learning at AVB and through Samskrita Bharati.